Hann į žetta svo sannarlega skiliš, enda žvķlķkur snillingur sem hann var žessi einstaki mašur og finnst mér žaš óendanlega sorglegt aš hann skyldi hverfa svona frį okkur.
Hann sżndi žaš og sannaši aš hann var meš allt annaš auga en ašrir ķ fatahönnun og framtķšarsżnin hans var engu lķk og snišin og hönnun hans voru og eru enn grķšarlega įhrifamikil jafnt į ašra fatahönnuši og annaš fólk ķ bransanum, snillingur. Ég gęfi mikiš fyrir aš vera ķ London į morgun og sjį myndina sem er honum til heišurs sem er leikstżrš af Nick Knight og tónlistin er eftir Björk okkar og sżnir hans mestu og bestu verk.
RIP in fashion heaven dear Alexander.
Lee Alexander McQueen will receive a posthumous award at tomorrow's British Fashion Awards.
Four time winner of the British Designer of the Year award, Lee Alexander McQueen receives the Outstanding Achievement in Fashion Design award in recognition for his extraordinary career. Revered globally for his fabulous tailoring, exciting, innovative and outrageous style on and off the runway, McQueen will be remembered as the most innovative and influential fashion designer of his generation.
To commemorate Lee's life and celebrate this award, tomorrow's ceremony will open with a film featuring Lee's most iconic pieces directed by Nick Knight, styled by Edward Enninful and soundtrack by Bjork. The film will feature iconic pieces from Lee's career from the Alexander McQueen archive.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.